I'm #1214
There are two easy ways to track me:
Go to http://www.ironmanwireless.com and sign up for SMS messages
Go to http://www.ironman.com and visit "live athlete tracking" on race day.
The race starts at seven tomorrow morning local time. It's a six hour time difference to Atlanta.
I'll have two hours and twenty minutes to finish the 2.4 mile swim. That's 9:20a local time.
From the start of the race, I have ten and a half hours to finish the 112 mile bike. That's 5:30p local time.
Finally, I have to finish the 26.2 mile run to top off the course in seventeen hours. That's midnight local time.
If I beat the above cutoffs, I will be an ironman. I've done what I can, and appreciate everyone's help wishes and prayers to get around. Think of me, and quiet the Kona winds. Help me keep the rubber on the road, and I'll have the best chance.
In twenty-four hours, the cannon will fire on Kailua pier, and I will start swimming.